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active member spotlight

Why Swannanoa? Below are some passionate active members who would love to answer that question.

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mary margaret freeman

"It's the fact that the love isn’t superficial. I mean in that these girls are not perfect, and their love is not; but it’s refining, convicting, hard, and overall GOOD because ST is used to reshape my heart. I love ST for being unafraid to tell me how to improve rather than leave me as it found me, but still loving me as I am!"

faith bishop

"ST has been the highlight of my college experience. It stuck out to me because of how down-to-earth all the girls I talked to were. They were all so sweet and had the best sense of humor. I also love our philanthropy, We Will Go. I was blessed enough to have had an opportunity to work with them when I was in high school and it was incredible to go off to college and still find ways to serve in the community."

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kaylee hood

"ST has allowed me to meet people that I may not normally come into contact with elsewhere. There are tons of people from different places, different backgrounds, and that have different majors and career goals. It’s cool to be a part of an organization that can bring people together and create new friendships between people who have different life experiences."

maria guay

"I’ve been in ST for almost 2 years, and I can say with full confidence that “serve rather than be served” is not just a statement but something we regularly live out both through our philanthropy, on campus, and within our sisterhood. Are we perfect? Nope. Do we make mistakes? All the time. But ST is always a reminder of God’s goodness and grace in those moments. I love this sisterhood and am so proud to rep Swannanoa!"

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gracie bassett

"ST has brought me so many like-minded sisters who have been huge encouragements to me at college. One thing that has made ST so beautiful to me is the way that we complement and sharpen each other through our differences. Every member of our tribe has something unique to contribute!"

jordan cobb

"For the past 2 years that I have been in ST I have been shown so much love and friendship! We are imperfect people who have chosen to love and serve each other every day! We truly live by the phrase to “serve rather than be served” and we don’t take those words lightly! We are committed to loving each to her through our flaws, and we truly are an organization where anyone and everyone can have a place to be loved and a place for everyone to grow spiritually and physically into the women we’re meant to be!"

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loren degan

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"Swannanoa is so different in its culture and is so diverse in the personalities that everyone brings, but the one thing that brings everyone together is everyone’s continued and incredibly strong love for Christ. I have had girls come and pray over me when I was going through hardships and have continuously been there for me and checked in no matter what. There has never been a time where I have felt alone, as I always have sisters there to uplift me and point me towards the amazing light of Christ. I have never ever looked back on joining Swannanoa. I truly don’t know where I would be without this group of sisters."

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